

Top Uses Cases of Blockchain in Healthcare

November 8, 2022 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

Updated Version - July 28, 2023

Blockchain technology has the potential to transform healthcare. Blockchain technology can be used to build a patient-centric healthcare ecosystem that is secure and interoperable.


Let's look at some of the top use-cases of blockchain in healthcare.

Top Uses Cases of Blockchain in Healthcare

  • Security of Health Records

    One of the biggest challenges of healthcare interoperability is that most healthcare systems cannot exchange their health data securely. Data security and integrity issues hinder meaningful coordination and collaboration in healthcare.

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger which has an interesting feature that once data is entered inside the blockchain, that data becomes permanent and cannot be changed. This immutable feature of blockchain helps support the need to guarantee the integrity and validity of patients' health records.

    Using blockchain technology as a common technology standard has the potential to address healthcare interoperability challenges. Blockchain technology provides access control through public and private chains. Thus, blockchain systems protect health records as well as improve data privacy.

    Blockchain technology can be used to share patient data, with their consent, across different systems in healthcare. Like health records, blockchain platforms can help people secure and share their genomic data securely.

  • Medical Research and Clinical Trials

    With blockchain, permanent records of medical research and clinical trials can be created. This can reduce the incidence of scam and error. Thus, blockchain technology can make the results of medical research and clinical trials reliable.

  • Medical Supply Chain

    By some estimates, ten percent of medical goods are either low quality or false. It is believed that at least one percent of the medicines in the market are fake. Blockchain-based systems can guarantee chain of custody records by tracing every level of the drug supply chain. In addition, functionalities such as private keys and smart contracts can help to better maintain agreements between different parties and strengthen the credibility of pharmaceutical suppliers.

  • Medical Insurance Claims

    In medical insurance, there is an exchange of claims information between different parties for the claims process. The process grapples with issues such as fraud, inconsistency in coverage validation, data corruption and data security. Blockchain technology has the potential to solve these problems and allow for greater trust among both insurers and insured by increasing transparency.

  • Patient-centric Healthcare

    With the development of wearable technology such as fitness and health monitoring gadgets, more and more patient health information will be generated and shared. Because of this, privacy and data ownership will become increasingly important.

    Blockchain is decentralized, making it possible to build distributed healthcare applications that do not rely on a single centralized authority. The transparency of blockchain enables patients to understand by whom, when and how their data is being used.

    The privacy and security of health data is a major challenge in healthcare, especially when data has to be exchanged across multiple systems. Blockchain technology enables secure exchange and access between different entities. This technology gives patients the ability to have complete control over their historical health records.

    Blockchain technology has the potential to transform healthcare. Blockchain technology can be used to build a patient-centric healthcare ecosystem that is secure and interoperable.

Helpful Information

How can blockchain be used in healthcare?

Blockchain can be used in healthcare to enhance data security, improve patient privacy, and streamline medical records, allowing patients, doctors, and healthcare providers to access a patient's entire health history in a secure manner. Additionally, blockchain can also be used to manage pharmaceutical and medical device supply chains, improving traceability and reducing fraud.

What are the potential benefits of blockchain in healthcare?

Blockchain can provide a number of benefits in healthcare including increased data security and privacy, improved interoperability, reduced fraud, and enhanced patient engagement. It also has the potential to streamline administrative processes, reduce costs, and foster innovative healthcare service models.

Can blockchain ensure data privacy and security in healthcare?

Yes, blockchain can significantly enhance data privacy and security in healthcare. With blockchain's decentralized and encrypted nature, it provides a secure platform where patient data can be stored and shared while maintaining the patient's control over their information.

How can blockchain be used in patient identity verification?

Blockchain technology can be used to create a unique, unalterable identity for each patient, which can be used to access healthcare records across different healthcare providers. This can help in improving interoperability and ensuring that patients' data is consistent and up to date across all platforms.

What is the role of blockchain in telemedicine?

Blockchain can play a crucial role in telemedicine by providing a secure and decentralized platform for data exchange. It can ensure the privacy and security of patient data during remote consultations and can also be used for secure payments, appointment scheduling, and maintaining transparent patient-doctor relationships.

How does blockchain enhance drug traceability in healthcare?

Blockchain enhances drug traceability by providing a secure and immutable ledger for recording every step of the drug supply chain. From manufacturing to delivery to the patient, blockchain can ensure the authenticity of drugs and help prevent counterfeiting.

Can blockchain help in clinical trials?

Yes, blockchain can help in clinical trials by enhancing data integrity, patient consent management, and traceability. It can ensure that trial data is not tampered with and can provide a transparent and secure platform for managing patient consent and other sensitive data.

How does blockchain improve healthcare interoperability?

Blockchain improves healthcare interoperability by providing a secure, decentralized platform where different healthcare systems can interact without the need for a central authority. This can help in improving data exchange, enhancing patient care, and reducing administrative burdens.

Can blockchain be used in healthcare insurance?

Yes, blockchain can be used in healthcare insurance to streamline the claim process, detect fraud, and improve customer experience. It can ensure that all transactions are transparent, immutable, and verifiable, reducing fraud and administrative costs.

What are smart contracts in healthcare, and how do they work?

Smart contracts in healthcare are self-executing contracts with the terms of the contract directly written into code. They can be used to automate various healthcare processes such as payment processing, patient consent management, and healthcare data exchange. When certain conditions are met, the smart contract executes automatically.

How does blockchain assist in healthcare data exchange?

Blockchain assists in healthcare data exchange by providing a decentralized and secure platform for data sharing. It can ensure data integrity and privacy, allowing healthcare providers to access up-to-date and accurate patient data, which can lead to improved patient care.

What is the impact of blockchain on health data management?

Blockchain can revolutionize health data management by ensuring data privacy, security, and interoperability. It allows for the creation of a single, unchangeable patient health record that can be accessed by authorized persons, improving the quality and continuity of care.

How can blockchain be used in genomics?

In genomics, blockchain can be used to secure genomic data and facilitate data sharing for research purposes. It can also be used to manage consent and control data access, ensuring that individuals retain control over their personal genomic data.

What are the challenges of implementing blockchain in healthcare?

Challenges of implementing blockchain in healthcare include technical complexity, lack of standards, scalability issues, regulatory considerations, and the need for a cultural shift towards data sharing and collaboration. Furthermore, there are also concerns about patient identity verification, data privacy, and consent management.

What is the future of blockchain in healthcare?

The future of blockchain in healthcare looks promising with the potential for increased data security, interoperability, patient-centric care, and cost reduction. It could revolutionize various aspects of healthcare, from patient data management and drug traceability to insurance claims and clinical trials.

How can blockchain be used in medical research?

Blockchain can be used in medical research to ensure data integrity, manage consent, and facilitate data sharing. It can provide a secure and transparent platform for collecting, storing, and sharing research data, which can accelerate research and development activities.

How can blockchain help in managing Electronic Health Records (EHRs)?

Blockchain can help in managing EHRs by providing a secure, decentralized platform for storing and sharing health data. It can ensure data integrity, patient privacy, and interoperability, enabling seamless exchange of patient data across different healthcare providers.

Can blockchain prevent counterfeit drugs?

Yes, blockchain can help prevent counterfeit drugs by ensuring transparency and traceability in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Every transaction from manufacturing to delivery to the patient can be recorded on the blockchain, which can be used to verify the authenticity of drugs.

Can blockchain help reduce healthcare costs?

Blockchain has the potential to reduce healthcare costs by streamlining administrative processes, reducing fraud, enhancing interoperability, and enabling efficient data exchange. It can also foster innovative healthcare delivery models that can lead to cost savings.


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