

Benefits of Personailzed Medicine

July 20, 2021 - Parul Saini, Webmedy Team

Updated Version - July 28, 2023

Would you and your grandfather buy the same clothes? Probably not, but you might receive the same medicines and medical treatment when you get sick despite many differences. That's because even the world's best doctors don't yet fully understand how different people catch the disease and respond to the treatment.

The practice of medicine is highly reactive. Drugs and medicines we devise are tested over large populations and are prescribed using those statistics. But they work on some patients but not on each patient. Here traditional medicines lose their mark as every person's genetics is different from others and it's an important factor that affects health.

It's like a "one size fits all" medicine approach, giving the same treatment to those with the same illness. But this traditional approach has limitations because there is a whole lot of difference in each person's genetics and other factors, and it's important as it affects their health.

What is Personalized Medicine?

Personal medicine is a new idea evolving in healthcare. Personal medicine is a medical practice that differentiates people based on genetic information, age, and other factors.

Terms - personalized medicines, precision medicines, and P4 medicine are used interchangeably. It can maximize a patient's chances of better treatment if treatment is based on known factors. Personalized medicine is aimed at reducing costs as it is tailored according to the individual features of each patient. The arrival of personalized medicine is moving us towards more precise, predictable, and powerful health care that is specially made for the individual patient.

With growing knowledge of genetics and genomics - and how they encourage good health, disease, and drug responses in each person, personalized medicine allows doctors with - better disease prevention, more correct diagnoses, safer drug medicines, and more efficient treatments for the many diseases and conditions.

Tailoring health care to each person's unique genetic makeup - that's the promising idea behind precision medicine, also differently known as individualized medicine, personalized medicine, or genomic medicine. Moreover, personalized medicines aim to foretell the susceptibility of each patient to critical medical problems, by this the way it works to specify steps that may help in limiting or reducing the possibility of individual sufferance from a disease(s) and/ or medication side effect(s).

Benefits of Personalized Medicines

Here are some of the benefits of personalized medicine:

  • Ability to predict which treatment works well for a particular patient.
  • Better integration of Electronic Health Records (EHR)s for patient care, which enables the doctors and healthcare professionals to access patient data easily.
  • A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which various diseases occur.
  • Better approaches and methods of preventing, treating, and diagnosing a wide range of diseases.
  • Opportunity for a million people to contribute to the advancement of scientific research.
  • New partnerships of scientists in a wide range of specialties, as well as people from the patient advocacy community, universities, pharmaceutical companies, and others.
  • Personalized medicines help care providers to customize disease-prevention strategies.
  • Minimize the chances of prescribing the drugs with predictable side effects.
  • Reduce the time, cost, and failure rate of pharmaceutical clinical trials.
  • Contribute to better drug development.

Applications of Personalized Medicines

Advancements in personalized medicines will create a more unified treatment approach specific to a person and their genetics. Personalized medicines provide better drug development, better diagnosis with earlier intervention. Here are some applications of Personalized Medicines:

  • Drug Development and Usage

    Today in Healthcare having an individual's genomic information can be important in the process of producing drugs as they await approval from the authorities for public use. With personalized medicines, treatment can be more specifically tailored to an individual and give insight into how their body will respond to the drug and if that drug will work based on their genome.

  • Theranostics

    Theranostics is a personalized method for treating cancer, using similar molecules for both imaging (diagnosis) and therapy. The word theranostics is derived from the combination of the words therapeutics and diagnostics.

  • Radiotheranostics

    Radiotheranostics is a subspecialty of theranostics using similar pharmaceuticals for both imaging and therapy with radiation.

  • Population Screening

    A lot of molecular-scale information about patients can be easily obtained through the use of genomics (microarray), proteomics (tissue array), and imaging (fMRI, micro-CT) technologies. Essentially, population genomics screening can be used to identify people at risk for disease, which can assist in preventative efforts.

What's in the future?

Personalized medicine is an awesome opportunity to take a "one size fits all" method for diagnostics and drug therapy and turn it into an individual method. Genomics is playing a big role in the development of personalized medicine, 'cause it gives us a window in a very specific molecular way into those differences between us and allows the opportunity for making individual predictions about disease risk that can help somebody choose a prevention plan that is right for them. It also enables the possibility in some instances of picking the right drug at the right dose for the right person instead of the "one size fits all" approach to drug therapy. There is nothing wrong to say that there are plentiful advantages within this approach to medical care, with increased effectiveness and minimal side effects. Therefore, it could be argued that overall, the future of healthcare is personalized medicine.

Helpful Information

What is personalized medicine and how does it work?

Personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine, is a medical approach where healthcare is tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease. It takes into account genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors, using diagnostic tests to determine the best treatment options.

What are the main benefits of personalized medicine?

Personalized medicine offers several benefits such as improved diagnosis accuracy, more precise treatment, reduced side effects, prevention strategies based on genetic risk, and ultimately better patient outcomes.

How does personalized medicine enhance treatment efficiency?

Personalized medicine allows for targeted treatment strategies based on a patient's genetic makeup. This means patients receive treatments that are more likely to work for them, improving efficiency and reducing trial-and-error approaches.

Can personalized medicine reduce the risk of side effects?

Yes, by tailoring treatments to an individual's genetic profile, personalized medicine can potentially minimize the risk of adverse drug reactions, which often occur due to genetic variations in how drugs are metabolized.

How does personalized medicine contribute to disease prevention?

Personalized medicine can help identify genetic risks for certain diseases, enabling preventative measures to be taken early. This approach can be particularly beneficial for conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Is personalized medicine more cost-effective?

While initial costs may be higher due to genetic testing and analysis, personalized medicine can potentially be more cost-effective in the long run by reducing unnecessary treatments, minimizing side effects, and enhancing treatment success rates.

How can personalized medicine improve cancer treatment?

Personalized medicine can drastically improve cancer treatment by using genetic information to identify the most effective treatments for a specific individual’s tumor type and genetic profile. This approach can increase the success rate and minimize side effects.

What role does genomics play in personalized medicine?

Genomics plays a key role in personalized medicine as genetic variations can influence disease risk and treatment response. Genomic analysis can help identify these variations, guiding the selection of preventative and therapeutic strategies.

Can personalized medicine benefit mental health treatment?

Personalized medicine holds promise for mental health treatment by taking into account genetic factors that influence the onset and progression of mental illnesses. It can also help predict a patient's response to different medications, reducing the trial-and-error approach.

How does personalized medicine affect drug development?

Personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize drug development. Instead of one-size-fits-all drugs, pharmaceutical companies can develop targeted therapies designed to treat specific subgroups of patients based on genetic markers.

What are pharmacogenomics and their role in personalized medicine?

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how genes influence an individual's response to drugs. In personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics can be used to predict the best drug and dosage for each patient, minimizing side effects and maximizing efficacy.

How can personalized medicine enhance patient care?

Personalized medicine enhances patient care by offering precise and tailored treatment plans. This leads to better patient engagement, improved treatment outcomes, and ultimately better overall healthcare.

What is the future of personalized medicine?

The future of personalized medicine is promising, with advances in genetic sequencing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. It is likely to transform healthcare with more precise diagnostics, risk assessments, and targeted treatments.

What challenges does personalized medicine face?

Challenges to personalized medicine include high costs, issues with data privacy, lack of standardized regulations, insufficient genetic knowledge, and the need for advanced technological infrastructure.

What role does personalized medicine play in rare diseases?

Personalized medicine can be particularly beneficial for rare diseases, where traditional blanket approaches often fail. By understanding a patient's unique genetic makeup, tailored therapies can be developed, significantly improving treatment outcomes.

What is the role of bioinformatics in personalized medicine?

Bioinformatics, which involves the use of software tools to understand biological data, is essential for interpreting the vast amount of genetic data in personalized medicine. It aids in identifying disease genes, predicting disease progression, and optimizing treatment strategies.

Can personalized medicine improve lifespan and quality of life?

By providing precise, effective, and side-effect minimal treatment, personalized medicine can potentially improve both lifespan and quality of life for patients.

How does personalized medicine benefit healthcare providers?

Personalized medicine allows healthcare providers to make more informed decisions about patient care, improve treatment outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction. It also helps avoid the administration of ineffective treatments.

What types of tests are used in personalized medicine?

Several types of tests are used in personalized medicine, including genetic tests to identify individual genetic differences, genomic tests to understand the behavior of diseases, and pharmacogenomic tests to predict drug response.

How can artificial intelligence (AI) enhance personalized medicine?

AI can process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, making it a powerful tool for analyzing complex genetic information in personalized medicine. It can help in disease prediction, treatment optimization, and the development of new therapies.


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